Value of log 27 base 3 | Log27 3 Value

The value of log 27 base 3 is equal to 3, that is log27 3 = 3. In this post, we will learn how to find the value of log 27 when the base is 3.

Note that log27 base 3 can be written mathematically as follows:


Find log27 base 3

Answer: The value log27 3 is equal to 3.


To find the value of log27, we will first write the prime factorization of 27. Note that 27 is a product of three copies of 3’s. In other words,

27 = 3 × 3 × 3

∴ 27 = 33

Now, we will take the logarithms with base 3. By doing so, we will get that

log327 = log333

⇒ log327 = 3 by the logarithm rule logbbm=m.

So the value of log27 base 3 is equal to 3, that is, the value of log27 3 equals 3.


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Q1: What is log27 3?

Answer: The value of log27 3 is equal to 3.

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